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World Elite Academy Merging Educational and Athletic Pursuits
Joel Vanderlaan
The hockey world is quickly changing. A continued emphasis on systems-based coaching and athletic conditioning has seen a need for increased professionalism at all levels. In practice, elite school-aged players seek training that merges comprehensive education and skills development. In this environment, World Elite Training has worked hard to provide players with a holistic approach to their developmental needs. In recent years, this has meant implementing an academy system. This approach allows student-athletes to focus on their education in an environment that supports their academic and athletic pursuits. Shawn Hicks (Owner of World Elite Training) led the transition to a comprehensive model in consultation with Jeremy Benoit and Tom Crowhurst (Co-founders & Lead Strength and Conditioning Coaches at Momentous Athletics) on athlete training. As the only high-performance academy in the Bay of Quinte Region, World Elite uniquely focuses on both educational and hockey development. This emphasis makes sure that students can work towards their goals and abilities without compromise. The Academy challenges student-athletes and prepares them to impact their community and teams positively. ​